go ballistic
英 [ɡəʊ bəˈlɪstɪk]
美 [ɡoʊ bəˈlɪstɪk]
勃然大怒; (常指令人惊讶或不受欢迎地)激涨,猛增
- get very angry and fly into a rage
- The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question
- Spam makes me go ballistic
- LL: Didn't you tell me before that you used to go ballistic on your old roommate all the time?
没错,我以前常跟我的同屋发脾气。可是你知道,每天我要作功课了,她总是大声放那种摇滚乐,我跟她说了还不听。 - Dan'll go ballistic when he finds out you've been going through his stuff.
如果丹发现你动了他的东西会气疯得。 - It's also important to figure out the unwritten rules of the office that, if violated, make people go ballistic.
另外,了解办公室违反哪些不成文的规定会让人抓狂也很重要。 - Finally, I told Clarissa if she was candid about our debts, I wouldn't go ballistic.
最后,我告诉克拉丽莎,如果她能坦白我们的债务状况,我就不会发火了。 - LL: That's different. I said, don't go ballistic.